Pre Prep
In pre prep, schemes of work follow the National Curriculum though our aim is to teach beyond the levels set for each age group.
In Literacy, words underpin everything we do and pupils are taught to express themselves confidently both orally and in writing. Lively texts and stories, backed up with imaginative teaching methods, give the children the confidence to be creative while at the same time broadening and developing their comprehension skills. Regular and systematic groundwork with sounds and sentence-building gives the children practice in all the skills needed to use their language. One of the most striking impressions that Herries makes on visitors is that the children are happy, open, friendly and confident in conversation.
In Numeracy sessions, Years 1 and 2 build on the early mathematical concepts learnt at the Foundation Stage. Each session begins with an oral mental starter and develops a numeracy concept using extensive mathematical vocabulary before concluding with an enjoyable and creative plenary.
Children learn and develop at different speeds so we plan the activities accordingly and give plenty of encouragement and praise. We see the understanding and enjoyment of mathematics as being central to the success of our pupils.
In Science, the emphasis on practical and investigative activities continues, as children are encouraged to develop their thinking skills, working individually and in groups. They build on their knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts learning to collect and evaluate evidence. Children are encouraged to be curious.
History, Geography and Religious Studies are taught through topic work so that the Humanities are given a context in which children can better understand the world in which we live. The curriculum is supported by visits to places of interest which will stimulate pupils’ interest.
Teachers monitor each pupil’s academic and personal progress, attesting to our belief that personal growth and academic development derive from a happy, caring environment where children are encouraged and feel valued.